Modern man, if he wants to achieve something in life doesn't work hard to hand for 18 hours a day, so 6 hours on taking food and sleep. It is abnormal! A person should live, work, and not work to live, rather survive.
Talismans, that attract money

Every person wants his desires and possibilities closed. But typically, we observe a completely opposite picture, where the performance of each wish requires significant material costs. So modern man, if he wants to achieve something in life doesn't work hard to hand for 18 hours a day, so 6 hours on taking food and sleep. It is abnormal! A person should live, work, and not work to live, rather survive.
Bill, that cannot be replaced
Talismans are different, one of the most effective magic for attracting money, a banknote or a coin, which cannot be replaced. Nominal money is not important, but it is better to use a larger bill, so as to engage it will be significant income, and 5 cents will be able to draw just a little. However, to each his own. The main thing is that this bill jealously kept and not spent under any circumstances.
What and how is to be done to transform the account in cash mascot? Take that we inherited you in a happy coincidence, for example, you donated it along with a new wallet, or you got her first significant income from the new case (the first payday, the first profit).
The selected banknote or coins to be put in a separate study wallet or purse, where she would be unable to establish contact with the other money, which you use in everyday life. This way you put in front of their mascot the task of multiplication, and to increase their income, as well as attracting new sources of enrichment.
Runic talisman
Money amulets and talismans can be done from the run, the main of which is in financial matters is the rune Fehu, responsible for the material well-being, and for obtaining money. This rune helps to consider the situation which may obtain a financial benefit, not allowing you to pass around money. Fehu is able to pull even from the very difficult financial situation, because you start your nose to feel the earning potential, following the sweet scent enrichment. Also, Fehu helps to save money, and not just receive. To activate runic talisman, a picture of the runes it is necessary to plant on the slippers or the purse.
Also rune, you can draw it on a PENDANT, a bracelet, a working tool, for example a laptop, if it is for him to spend all the working hours. Inscription is possible on the mobile phone, if your income depends of the frequent calls.
The main thing is that the object you drag the rune was with you, if not continuously, then most of the time, so you need to constantly get in contact with him. In the pictures app, with a rune it is necessary to talk and explain what's expected of her, how can this help and what. Just know that rune helps in a criminal case, cheating, speculation and usury.
Chinese talismans
Today is a very popular cash mascot, made according to feng-shui. Information about the eastern mascots Online the mouth, so we just list them:
- Pink clothes, or accessories.
- Goldfish, and live they should be in a clean aquarium.
- A fountain with circulating water, symbolizing not only money, but also their cycle in life.
- Threelegged toad with coins on the front paw.
- Ship with sails, whose nose looks into the center of the room.
- Money tree (lignum with coins, not jade).
- Hotei – bellied monk with a bag, wisdom and wealth.
- Three chinese coins with holes, twisted red ribbon.
Rules for saving money

For that you had the money not been found, but persists, as well as the grew and increased only cash mascot doesn't help, even if you made it with your own hands. But they can help the rules to saving money, which together with the mascot or mascots and your work performances will have a rich enough person. Here are these simple rules, which prohibit:
- in the evening the garbage;
- throw something in the window;
- count the money after sunset;
- revenge in the house or apartment different brooms;
- traders to sell, the first thing a woman;
- off the table crumbs of the hands;
- lend the evening;
- clean up after the sunset;
- giving something after sunset over the threshold of the house of someone else;
- yourself cut hair, including a trim your bangs or the ends of the hair;
- give money to the debt in the Sunday;
- laid on the table of gloves and a hat;
- sit on the table;
- taking money from the hand of a foreign (to them they often do damage);
- saving money "in your pocket", it is better to do it through the bank, because the money must be in circulation, because it is their environment;
- giving money with regret;
- bet goal is the accumulation of money, money cannot be the goal.
- the young Moon display fixtures wallet with money or a bill of great value to the money grew along with the Moon;
- so it ended successfully, in the room, in which to sign an agreement or negotiations, the first should enter man;
- if they are used in debt money because fewer cash than they were used;
- to borrow money on the young moon, and return the defective;
- to borrow money left hand, and put right;
- receive money with joy and pleasure;
- politely treat with the money.
Cash bag
In a small bag to collect coins of different values, which is currently in circulation.
Every coin fat eucalyptus oil, in this sentence:
"A penny to a penny, the penny to pennyy,
fifty dollars to quinquaginta, ruble, ruble,
chervonets to chervonetsu, all to court".
After the completion of reading the plot and lubricated all the coins, hide before the eyes of the sac away from prying eyes in the northern part of your house.
To attract money into the house

To attract money into the house, the make of the pieces of magnetized metal through the magnetic powder, which is to be put into pick up and save as a mascot. Even greater power of a mascot can give the golden color, which must cover all the metal filings.
Attract wealth
Attract wealth help to the following steps. Make the pouch from the blue skin, insert the magnet in the form of a horseshoe, stone, tourmaline, pen, birds, dry herbs: wormwood, saffron, cinnamon, thistle, fennel, anise, cardamom and a pot of pine nuts. This pouch is a must save in your house or apartment, to him flocked the wealth.
Growing money
To improve their financial well-being, collect metal coins of different values, which are currently works in your country, and fold them into the pots with clay. After the plant to her cacti, geraniums or marigolds. How it will grow, bloom, will increase your revenue and improve the financial situation.
How to attract luck and money
Write to the bathroom, the warm water and mix in it a silver coin, after which lie down into the water. When you stay in the water, a gift, such as silver sends out and gives you your vibration, you attract to you money and happiness, as well as all worldly goods.
Cash mascot
Above the entrance to his house, from the inner side of the front door, nail a horseshoe money up, so it formed a "full bowl". When you talk about:
"Like this cup is full,so my house is always full of wealth and happiness".